Avoid the 7 most common mistakes that don't let you lose weight

When you want to lose some weight, the first thing you do is "trim" meals. But beyond moderating the amounts or restricting certain unhealthy foods, there are certain customs that, without knowing it, boycott your diet.

1/7 A plate of legumes and then?

There are people who take a plate of lentils or chickpeas and secondly a steak. It is a very common menu but it could be a protein excess. Legumes are foods high in protein, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Combined with cereals (rice, pasta or couscous) they constitute a complete single dish and it is not necessary to continue with a second.

2/7 Diets that prohibit mixing food

Myths about how food should be combined to make better use of its nutrients and to lose weight, in general, have no scientific basis.
  • There is no evidence of the benefits of these types of guidelines that are intended to separate certain foods from the same intake. In addition, most of them contain, in a greater or lesser proportion, carbohydrates, fats and proteins that are impossible to separate.

3/7 Is integral equal to less caloric?

It is true that they contain more fiber and that is why they favor intestinal transit and have a greater satiating effect, which helps you lose weight.
  • However, this type of food usually contains the same amount of calories as refined foods. And this means that, if you abuse them, you will also be contributing a high caloric value.

4/7 not skip breakfast

Skipping the first meal of the day is one of the most frequent mistakes made by people who go on a diet.
  • All research has shown that making five meals a day contributes to a lower prevalence of overweight and obesity.

5/7 Fruit is better at the beginning

It is actually advisable at any time because, regardless of when it is taken, it provides the same number of calories.
  • What is certain is that if you take it at the beginning of the meal, producing a satiating effect helps you feel full before and do not eat more food than necessary.

6/7 The danger of the “light”

A food that is presented as "light" does not have to be very low in calories, it is simply a product whose caloric intake is lower than the one that "mimics".
  • Sweets and pastries. Although some chocolates, jams, and pastry products are sold as "light", this denomination often refers to having a lower amount of sugar but still providing a high amount of calories that also increase your weight.
  • Sauces. There are those who take only a tablespoon of normal mayonnaise, but when you have the “light” version, three are served. However, the energy difference between the two sauces is not so large as to double its consumption, much less to triple it.

7/7 No fat as much as thought

  • A " sandwich ." A 40g bun and 2 slices of ham give you 190 kcal.
  • A glass of yogurt. A yogurt, 200g of fruit and 20g of a jam without sugar are 190 kcal.
  • Roast potatoes. A small piece with some garlic and parsley contains only 80 kcal.
  • Champignons. Even red wine stews give you only 60 kcal per 100g.
  • Octopus dish. Eating 100g of Galician octopus you add to your diet only 75 kcal.


As you have seen in the gallery that we have just presented to you, the success of a diet goes far beyond dispensing with caloric foods and following a restrictive meal plan.
Before incorporating any changes in your eating habits we recommend you consult a specialist, who will be the ideal person to offer you the most appropriate advice for your daily needs. In this way, your diet will be much healthier.
Remember to complete the diet with an exercise routine that you can adapt as you progress in your weight loss plan. Drink enough water, take care of your motivation and respect your rest hours.

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