How To Lose Weight With 10 Simple And Practical Tips (Based On Science)
Maybe you came here because you searched Google for “How to lose weight ” or maybe this article appeared on Facebook and you ended up clicking. Either way, you are looking for an effective solution to lose weight (and not recover it).
Well, let me tell you that you landed in the right place. Especially since here I am NOT going to talk to you about what to eat to burn fat or how to lose 15 kilos before summer arrives. So, if you had the expectation of finding the onion puree diet, I'm sorry to disappoint you.
Wait! do not go! Just give me a chance ... Here I have 10 practical tips (based on science) to lose weight in a healthy, safe and permanent way.
Before starting, I recommend that you sit in a comfortable place to read (because it is long).
I recommend that you have a pencil and paper at hand to write or make notes on the mobile. Maybe you also want to make a coffee.
(Here I wait for you)
Another thing: if you are interested in knowing more about the scientific studies cited in the article, remember that they are linked within each red digit you find, like this one here.
It is probably not the first time you read an article about losing weight, but you usually end up forgetting what you learned and never put anything into practice, right?
Let's do something different this time!
Think you are here because you really want to fulfill your purpose of losing weight.
And although it is not easy, if you commit to reading carefully, I promise that in the end, you will have an action plan ready to start losing weight in a healthy way.
In addition, it is most likely the last time you look for "how to lose weight"
Do you commit to reading until the end?
Yes, I commit.
If after so many attempts to lose weight, there was some kind of prize to win, perhaps you would already be nominated.
Imagine, they would be called the "Dietarys" (because it seems that everything that ends in "ys" is an important global recognition). You should thank all those pages you have visited with strange and extreme diets because without them it would not have been possible.
I think that prize would be a very busy competition, because "losing weight" is the most popular purpose worldwide.
It is estimated that only in the United States, at any time of the year 30% of people are on a diet to lose weight.
Due to the figures for overweight and obesity in the world, the purpose "I want to lose weight" is recycled all year.
That's why you know something?
Not being able to lose weight (or recover what you lose) has not been your fault.
So before reading further, please forgive yourself and stop thinking that it is your fault because blaming or victimizing you is not helping you.
Instead, finding the true reason that explains why you have not lost weight, lightens guilt and helps you start with a fresh new mindset, do you think so?
You're right! I forgive myself.
Well, then the obvious question is, what or who was the fault?
You do not need to be Sherlock Homes to discover it, read on.
Tell me if this sounds familiar to you:
On any given morning, showering, you look in the mirror and notice that your weight has increased.
Also, lately you feel more tired than a year ago, it's hard for you to stand for a long time and climbing the stairs is an odyssey. Even the warm weather has already started and, you do not dare to wear shorts or swimsuits because you do not feel comfortable with your body, you feel ashamed.
Probably that moment "I-rose-of-weight" arrived one afternoon while you ordered the closet and with nostalgia, you saw that nice clothes that no longer closes you.
What happens next?
What is usual: you ask a co-worker, the fifth-floor neighbor or you are looking for a "fast weight loss diet" on your own because hey, you also don't want to follow the diet for an eternity, the sooner you lose weight the better!
Finally, you find a solution that sounds relatively easy to follow and above all, it promises you that you will achieve to lose X kilos that you climbed at Christmas, it is just what you need!
So you take the risk, leave your comfort zone and start the adventure of losing weight. You hope to become a new person, show others that you can and wear those dusty clothes. In your imagination, you are already tasting victory.
You start with a lot of enthusiasm with the "Diet _ [here goes the name of something that is heard novelty]".
And everything is going very well, although after a few days (especially the weekend) it costs you a little more to continue eating as the diet marks.
But, you are still motivated and, with much sacrifice, you continue with the diet for a few more days.
Until a beautiful sunny day, you get on the scale and you can't believe it, you managed to lose weight!
Finally, you can have your bacon sandwich with chorizo again for breakfast! Once again you can savor a soda!
You feel good, you look good.
Unfortunately that personal pride lasts a short time, something unexpected happens ...
-Oh no! this can not be! Could it be that the scale is broken? ...
You know you can't lie, you regained the weight you had lost!
You are paying the price of the express results and return to the starting point.
But, this time a little more disappointed than the last time.
You become more pessimistic "I will never make it" and weaken your self-esteem "I am a failed fat man" (which is counterproductive in future weight loss).
Most people who try to lose weight, fail, either because they quit before seeing results or because at the end of a diet, return to their lifelong habits and extra kilos also return.
So I want to tell you something important: there is no optimal diet that works in the long term.
(Reread that)
Then I explain briefly why ...
You will also be surprised to know other reasons that may stand in the way of a healthy weight, so pay attention because this is interesting.
Oh! I forgot to tell you ...
Many times you find articles on the internet with scientific sources but, very unreliable.
Instead, all the information you find here is based on scientific studies.
I have reviewed all the references, so you can be sure that the results are reliable, the studies are published in high impact factor journals, and above all that the research has not been sponsored.
Having said that, we continue.
There is no optimal diet to lose weight
The question “what is the most effective diet?” Has been key in important recent research.
The results have shown that all known diets ( Low Fat, Low Carb, Paleo, Keto, Atkins, Weight Watchers, etc.) have the same modest long-term results.
Think about this: if there was an effective long-term diet, then, we would not have the figures that we have about obesity worldwide, right?
Surely you think you have enough evidence that some diet or weight loss remedy has worked for someone you know or even you.
And I'm not trying to discuss that, in fact, it's true: diets do work, but (and this is a very important one) only while you put them into practice.
The problem is to continue with this feeding pattern for longer.
In this graph, I have the results of a meta-analysis (analysis of several studies). In which we analyzed the weight loss over time of the most popular diets.
- The Atkins diet: it is very low in carbohydrates (15% carbohydrates)
- The diet of the Zone: it is slightly low in carbohydrates (40% carbohydrates)
- The Ornish diet: it is very low in fat (<10% of total fat)
- LEARN ( acronym in English that indicates lifestyle, exercise, attitudes, relationships, and nutrition) is the closest pattern to the nutritional recommendation (50-60% carbohydrates, 20% protein and <10% saturated fat)
With all the diets it was possible to lose weight, but, after 6 months, some of the lost kilos returned. The study authors mention that another strategy is needed to continue and maintain the lost weight.
Still, do not believe me?
There is another research that compares the diets of South Beach, Atkins, Weight Watchers, and Zone. They discovered that people, following different diets, lost between 2 and 3 kilos in a year, but then recovered some of that weight
It has been seen that more than 60% of dieters gain more weight than they initially lost. Other studies have reached the same conclusion.
Which indicates that you can follow the diet that you prefer, but, you need an additional strategy to control and maintain that weight that you have already lost.
You can save yourself the future disappointment because now you know that fad diets will not help you achieve your goal because they are unsustainable over time.
So what is the alternative?
You need to supplement the diet with a change in your lifestyle and, this does not have to be radical, small changes in your routine can make a big difference in your weight and in your future health.
I think when it comes to losing weight, all too often we have the focus in the wrong place.
Instead of asking ourselves, what is the best diet? , the question we must ask ourselves is: why can not I continue with a diet?
Why can not you continue with a diet and maintain weight loss?
One of the main reasons is because a diet usually cuts out some food group. For example carbohydrates or fats.
And to think about what to eat, the preparation of food and the taste of the dishes changes very drastically and, therefore, it is difficult to continue for a long time.
Another reason is that you have just lowered the weight you wanted to lose weight, and then why continue with a diet? ...
Although there are more reasons that make you give up the diet, here are some of the most common ones (write in the comments below if you find yourself in any of them).
- You have very high expectations
Increase 3, 5, 10 or more extra kilos, was not the result of overnight but were small decisions accumulated (even imperceptible) over time.
Therefore, having the expectation that you can evaporate those extra kilos in a very short time, makes you fail.
This short-term mentality is very common when people want to lose weight "before summer comes", "for my best friend's wedding" or "for my anniversary".
If you are looking for quick results, you will most likely choose the express solution, and you will end up following a diet that does not fit your lifestyle or that is so drastic that it becomes impossible to maintain over time.
This clash of expectations not only damages your self-esteem but in the long term, drastic loss and sudden weight gain can be dangerous.
These are some of the consequences of «elevator» diets or also known as «yo-yo diets».
- There is the possibility of losing important nutrients
Weakness, hair loss, paleness, etc., are some of the physical signs that are present because diets can have severe restrictions, and therefore there is a good chance of losing some important nutrient.
- You can alter your feeling of hunger
Being satisfied and feeling hungry is the result of many hormonal systems and processes that occur in your body. When you go on a diet and change your fat percentage too quickly, the levels of “leptin” (a hormone that has a role in hunger regulation) are altered and you are more prone to binge eating.
- Self-esteem issues
This happens because many times we start a diet with an objective in mind that has nothing to do with losing weight, but with the expectation of what will happen next. For example, "if I lose weight, then I will be happy" or "I will find love" or "I will have more friends". Then, after weight loss, when those things have not materialized, the problems of body image, identity and self-esteem are further promoted.
- Risk of heart attack
According to a study published in the journal Circulation, weight cycling can increase the risk of suffering a heart attack, stroke and premature death
Another reason why you give up the diet is that it stops working.
- The diet simply stops working (even if you keep doing it)
To understand it better, suppose you lose your job.
And to pay the bills and keep you doing the obvious: you use your savings (while you find another job to earn money).
Your savings begin to decrease very quickly. So when you realize that you have little money left, what would you do? Would you start spending more or try to control your expenses?
Of course! you would try to save as much as you can right?
Well, the same goes for your body.
Your savings are the kilos of fat, if they decrease very dramatically, your body will not continue to lose weight but will remain stagnant. That's when diets stop working.
A recent study tracked the participants of "The Biggest Loser" (an American reality show) and found that the faster the participants lost weight, the more their metabolisms slowed. This led many of the participants to gain more weight than when they started the show.
The next point is also related to this.
- You spend counting calories (or underestimate what you eat)
A nut fist has more calories than a croissant, but eating nuts is not related to weight gain. You do not need a postgraduate degree in nutrition to know that the croissant (and all the pastries) do make you fat.
That is the quality of food matters more than the number of calories.
If you spend doing addition and subtraction, but, you end up eating foods of low nutritional quality, then you will not lose weight and/or you will recover more weight than you have lost.
Losing weight is not as simple as cutting calories.
Scientists continue to conduct research because many of the processes of energy regulation in our body remain a mystery. We still don't know for sure how the body manages to maintain the regulation between energy expenditure, fat levels, and calorie consumption.
And vice versa: "burn calories" is not so easy.
To burn calories from a slice of margarita pizza (275 calories) with exercise, you need to pedal the bike for approximately 40 minutes
In case you do exercise, then you will not be losing fat, but only compensating for what you ate.
Therefore, starting to choose foods of better nutritional quality is a way to cut calories, without sacrificing nutrients, without starving and creating better habits that are sustainable over time.
And speaking of good and bad habits, perhaps the next point also explains why you can not continue with the diets.
- You have no preparation or long-term strategy
The process of weight loss is not easy, and there will be many obstacles along the way.
Therefore, recent studies that have focused on studying people who have been successful in long-term weight control and have identified the following common factors (in addition to exercising)
- Strategies to face environments that promote weight gain. For example: what do you do if you go to dinner and the food is not healthy? What to do in the supermarket to buy better?
- Strategies to prevent relapse in unhealthy eating habits. For example: what do I do if I dined pizza yesterday? What do I do when I return from vacation if I have not eaten healthy?
- Strategies to solve difficult situations that do not help you maintain a healthy diet. For example, what to do if they give you chocolates? What to do if you are anxious and feed you? What to do if you always eat until you burst?
If you do not have these strategies from the start, you are more likely to give up your diet or recover your lost weight.
An additional factor identified, and that is generally not included in the analysis of weight control techniques, is individual preparation, that is, how to have a strong personal motivation to lose weight? which leads to the following reason.
- You do not have a real reason to lose weight
Surely the reason you want to lose weight is that you gained weight and secondly because you want to look good or feel better.
Many people start losing weight because their doctor suggested it, but people are more successful if their motivation to lose weight comes from personal reasons.
Therefore, finding a more personal motive drives you to continue in the process (which is perhaps a long one) of losing weight and maintaining lost weight.
And how can I discover my motive?
The exercise is easy, requires a lot of honesty on your part and, it is better if you write it (because that way you will have more clarity).
You just have to ask yourself why I want to lose weight? And continue to question each answer you give with another, why? Even the most profound and personal motive can also be more than one!
You will see that the reasons for losing weight are related to recognition, pleasure, vanity.
For example: be stronger for your grandchildren, improve your confidence in you, see the Instagram photos well.
Having this reason clear can help keep you engaged and motivated to achieve your weight loss goals. They also work as a reminder when you are about to give up.
EYE: question your motives and think if they are realistic for you and, especially if it is something that depends on you.
For example: "I want to lose weight because I want to have a partner", in reality, it does not depend 100% on you. So if you do not achieve it (even though you have lost weight) you will feel like a defeat.
Instead, "I want to buy beautiful clothes" is a reason that depends more on you.
- You don't know why you gained weight in the first place
It can simply be about having bad habits, making bad eating decisions overtime or having a bad relationship with food (and eating because of stress or anxiety). But, it can also be a serious eating disorder, a thyroid problem or certain health problems.
Therefore, it is highly recommended to consult a nutritionist who evaluates you closely and accompanies you in this process of weight loss.
Perhaps the reason that explains why you cannot lose weight is not in your control and you need to put your health in the hands of a professional and rule out any problems that are causing you to gain weight, be careful with this!
And speaking of weight, the last point that explains why you do not follow a diet has much to do.
- You are focused on reaching your ideal weight (but it does not exist)
Nor is there the ideal gift, the ideal house, the ideal couple, etc. What does exist is a healthy weight range for you.
For example, in my case, when I weigh between 50 and 51 kilos, I feel comfortable with my body, but even if I reached 53 kilos, I would still be in a healthy weight range for myself. But, my neighbor who is taller than me, has a healthy weight range between 58 or 61 kilos.
It would be absurd that the neighbor wanted to weigh what I weigh, can I explain?
Of course, if I go up much more weight or low, I would notice it sooner in the size of my pants or in the size of the waist, than on the scale. Which means that there are more objective measures than just weigh you.
Let's see what are you half.
Note: if you usually weigh yourself do it at the same time of day and with the same scale.
The 10 tricks to lose weight and form healthy habits this summer (and all year)
These 10 tips are based on a study published in an important scientific journal and developed by a well-known institution called Cancer Research UK .
They appeared for the first time as a program to achieve lower and maintain a healthy weight.
The results of the program showed that the participants who followed these 10 healthy tips had lost between 2 and 4 kilos. And although that sounds like very little, you'll see that in your body it makes a big difference.
The best part is that the participants who continued in the study for longer also continued to lose weight (that sounds pretty good).
Participants also reported that over time it was increasingly difficult to remember and put into practice these 10 tips. Until they became actions that did not require so much effort, that is, they became habits.
Trust me, all the points are based on the best scientific evidence and aim to help you lose weight through small changes that fit your daily routine.
And above all, have the focus on actions that you can maintain over time 28
So these 10 tips are your plan of action to start losing weight safely and healthily.
Here it is important that you put all your attention.
I will pay attention, promised.
Cool! let us begin…
1.- Have a fixed lunch schedule
This works because when we eat under the same schedule, the body gets used to it and we avoid being hungry between meals (which makes it easier to resist the temptation or craving to eat something unhealthy).
You will see how to have a breakfast, lunch and dinner schedule, it also helps you make better decisions about what you will be eating and how much since you do not arrive so hungry at your next meal.
It has been seen that people who are successful in long-term weight loss tend to have a regular meal rate, and this consistent way of eating during the week and year also predicts the maintenance of weight loss achieved.
In addition, it also helps you to form regular habits at mealtime (later you will see what they are)
From now on, choose an approximate time to eat all your meals and try to stick to this time range
And what happens if I'm very hungry between meals? ... the answer brings us to point # 2
2.- Improve your food options between meals
In just 6 years, takeaway sales tripled, from 173 million to 541 million euros. These numbers reflect the current reality of overweight and obesity in the world.
And, hunger between meals can be your allied improvement or your worst enemy, depending on your choice of food.
Ready-made snacks, pastries, cookies, sugary drinks or any processed fast snacks, do not replace the main meals but complement them. You do not eat chocolate in the afternoon and you stop eating, right?
Therefore, choosing unhealthy foods between meals is related to weight gain 32
Think about this: A donut, a granola bar or a chip bag, will not hurt you today, but if that decision is repeated over time, the repercussions on your weight appear33
In contrast, a piece of fruit (yes, also the banana), a little natural yogurt or a fist of almonds, can help you to calm your hunger, without gaining weight.
Remember that we are not at war, you do not have to go hungry!
3.- Before buying a product, check its label
The average body mass index (BMI) for men and women who do read nutritional labels is lower.
And this discovery is almost obvious because in the supermarket your eating habits are born: if you buy healthy, you eat healthily I do not say more!
The problem is that appearances are deceiving.
The nutritional labels of the products are not clear and simple enough, so it is important to teach the consumer to facilitate informed choices.
Maybe you buy a cookie thinking it's healthy because it's in a cool pink box and with big letters, it says they have fiber! And, yes they may have fiber, but, they do not tell you that each cookie has 2 teaspoons of sugar.
Do not be fooled!
Look at the first 5 ingredients on the list:
- Do not buy products that have sugar. L or including honey, syrups or molasses, or fructose syrup sweeteners).
- Do not buy those that have a high-fat ingredient. For example cream, butter or oil, saturated fat or trans fat.
This also applies to products that have fiber, organic or light version and surprisingly for those foods that are salty.
If you buy real foods, and you avoid processed foods, you save time (which is related to point # 4).
4.- Avoid foods with fats (unhealthy) and added sugars completely
If you passed the supermarket test and managed to implement Tip # 3, the following will be a piece of cake ... well, but of whole grain bread, huh? ...
In the original version of the study (on which these 10 tips are based), participants were asked to reduce the unhealthy fats found in industrial and processed foods.
For example, pastries, foods made with cream or cream (like ice cream or cakes), fried foods or weathered or salad dressings, butter-based foods, etc.
Foods with unhealthy fats add many unnecessary calories to your diet.
Also, discard those foods that contain added sugars (because these also contribute to sabotaging your attempts to lose weight).
Many times foods with unhealthy fats also have added sugars, so it won't be that difficult.
The important thing to carry out this point is that you will have to start giving preference to healthier foods with small changes that do make a big difference.
For example:
If I can not eat butter then I will start choosing avocado; if I can't eat cream or cream, then I will add yogurt; If I can't eat syrup then I will use fresh fruits to sweeten.
Create your own plan to avoid choosing foods with added sugar and unhealthy fats, this plan also works with item # 5
5.- Say no to sugary drinks
It is 100% proven that the consumption of sugary drinks contributes directly to weight gain.
When you drink a soda, in reality, you are taking more than 10 teaspoons of sugar without realizing it. It is like eating a caramel in liquid form, which does not affect your satiety and does not quench your thirst either.
Water is the only healthy drink (with or without gas).
All industrial juices, milk-based beverages, flavored waters, soft drinks, energy drinks, sports drinks, and fresh fruit juices should be out of your diet.
How? Fruit juices too? ...
Yes, because although they are natural, the fruits have already lost their fiber, you are only drinking the sugar from the fruit.
If you eat 2 or 3 whole oranges, you will have to chew for a while, which makes you feel full; instead, you need to squeeze up to 7 oranges to fill a glass that you will drink in minutes, which does not leave you satisfied, but it does make you gain weight.
So when it comes to fruits it is better to chew them than to drink them.
And since we're talking about drinks, avoid any kind of alcoholic beverage (I'm sorry to be the boring party). It is very easy to lose all your effort eating healthy during the week, on Saturday night.
It has been seen that the calories contained in alcoholic beverages are transformed into fat. In addition, if you add fruit juices, soda, and other syrups, the amount of sugar and calories is very high.
To make matters worse, drinking alcohol also increases your appetite and very late at night you won't fancy a salad, right?
If you do not drink alcohol, not only do you take care of your health and your weight, you also save money (and you'll feel fresh like lettuce the next morning)
Think about it, perhaps all you need to lose weight is to stop drinking alcohol and that's it.
6.- Walk as much as you can
When you manage to increase your physical activity within your routine, you will be using more energy and therefore it is easier to lose weight.
Also when you have a more active routine you will avoid recovering the kilos you have lost.
This is what the WHO says: achieving the exercise recommendation for adults of 30 minutes for 5 days a week increases energy expenditure and helps control weight.
Another important point about being more active: it has been seen that the more hours you spend sitting, the more difficult it is to lose weight. Being sedentary increases the risk of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.
7.- Use a smaller plate
The Japanese say Hara Hachi bu, which means "eat until you are 80% full."
Instead many of us, eat until the plate is clean, instead of stopping when we are full.
This becomes a problem because the size of the portions (and the dishes) have increased more and more in the last 30 years, and because of that, we only eat more and more.
One way to control portions (and without feeling that you are eating less) is to use smaller plates.
It has been proven that this strategy helps weight loss.
Your brain is easily fooled by changes in perspective, something like an optical effect. Using this in your favor, you can slightly reduce the amount of food you eat without feeling private.
Another important point: eating from the container or the bag makes you lose track of how much you have eaten. So better sit on a plate and visualize the amount.
8.- Fruits and vegetables are the protagonists
"Eat fruits and vegetables"
You've read that before, right?
What's more, they've told you until you're tired.
You know that slogan by heart because you have seen it in several television commercials, in supermarket advertising and in hospital brochures.
What they haven't told you is why is it so important to eat fruits and vegetables?
Well yes, because they are healthy, but why are they healthy?
It turns out that fruits and vegetables have something incredibly good for your health.
Fiber not only helps you avoid constipation, but it also helps you feel satisfied with less food and loses weight.
I explain:
Fiber is in all edible plants (leaves, vegetables, fruits, and legumes) and the wonderful thing is that your body cannot fully digest it, so it only makes you feel full, without the calories being absorbed.
Thanks to the fiber contained in fruits and vegetables, insulin levels will be under control, which decreases the likelihood that what you are eating will be stored in the form of fat.
Of course, they also provide vitamins and minerals, and a lot of benefits, but ... most of these benefits are achieved by meeting the minimum recommendation of 5 servings a day and are lost with less than 3 servings.
So you have to eat more than 5 to make sure you will enjoy the health benefits.
If you don't like the taste of vegetables, try adding a dash of oil and different species; or put them in the oven to give them another consistency.
When you eat more fruits and vegetables, without noticing you will be chewing more times and slower, and with this in mind, we landed at the next point.
9.- Eat slower and with attention
Eating is a pleasure and should be enjoyed.
Unfortunately, sometimes we forget it and only introduce food to our mouth in a robotic way.
Therefore, it is not surprising that research shows that eating slower and slower is the solution to not eat more than the bill.
The "I am full" sign is not immediate, it is a little late ...
Our short-term appetite regulation occurs by a cascade of substances that travel from our stomach to our brain, which are produced in response to the amount of food inside our stomach and intestines.
These substances are a signal to our brain that indicates when we are hungry and above all when we have to stop eating because we already have a sufficiently full tank!
It takes approximately 20 minutes for your brain to receive the signal of fullness or satiety, but, the average time to finish to food on your plate is between 7 and 10 minutes or less.
In a survey, it was seen that an adult spends an average of 23 minutes to complete, not one, but his 3 meals a day! (I imagine they swallow the food like a pelican).
That is to say that you normally devour all your food long before knowing the exact moment to stop and eat only the necessary portion.
So give yourself some time to eat slowly, savor each bite and enjoy your food, make yourself feel full and help decrease the portion of food.
Only in this way do you give your brain time to receive the signal on time (before you feel it burst).
According to some studies, chewing 50 times per mouthful (or simply chewing longer) significantly decreased calorie intake compared to chewing 15 times per mouthful.
An important point: it is not only about chewing more but also paying attention to your food.
When we eat and do another activity (watch TV, work), we eat much more than the account. Instead, directing your attention to what you eat, improves your satiety, your digestion and prevents weight gain.
The internal signals of satiety that we talked about (and that regulate food intake) are not as effective if you are distracted.
Go slower, your food deserves your attention and your time.
10.- Start exercising
We all know that exercising is a fundamental part of having a healthy weight and living better.
But sometimes, it becomes the hardest habit to achieve, simply because it requires more effort and to see our own excuses.
The good news is that you can start with very little.
The goal is to achieve a habit and not become a professional athlete (at least not in the beginning), so a few minutes a day may be enough to take the first step.
Although walking and staying more active is already a breakthrough, start doing an exercise routine as such, it will help you build muscle.
If you remember what we were talking about at the beginning, changing your body composition (having less fat, more muscle) is a more objective and healthy goal than losing weight.
When you exercise, you will see that not only you notice in your weight, but also improve your mood, you have more concentration, sleep better, reduce stress, fatigue, and nice etcetera.
I challenge you to start with 7 minutes (hear that only 0.4% of all your time of the day)
So far you have 10 practical tips to start the process of losing weight without neglecting your health and well-being.
Remember that implementing each of the tips will help to convert them into habits with permanent results. In such a way that the weight you lose today will never come back.
Choose the safe path, not the fast one.
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